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Its the Attention to Detail that matters in Packaging

Its the Attention to Detail that matters in Packaging

Attention to detail when doing your own line of products, whether its artwork, prints, bars of soap or even plants. What I’m talking about here is things like packaging and especially stickers.

Finishing off packaging with a fantastic-looking sticker can give your product that star appeal; it can create a professional and attractive finish without spending a fortune.

Using such things as generic boxes, swing tags or envelopes, for instance, you can just add your sticker to them to finish the look off. 

A friend who owns a candle-making business uses her stickers on tissue paper when she wraps the candles and again to seal the plain paper bags she puts them into. It makes that finishing touch more professional. 

kirsty anne packaging

KirstyAnne - Timeless Creations 


Printing your own at home vs. Professional Printing

Yes, you can print them yourself, and I’ve done some over the years, but there are pitfalls like

  • You might need a particular printer for the type of stickers you want to produce
  • Cost of the consumables (Printer Ink is often not cheap)
  • Time designing, sorting, printing, cutting etc

When I printed my stickers at home, I sometimes found the ink would run, the paper wouldn’t go through the machine right, or I’d run out of an ink colour at a crucial moment making the whole project an even costlier exercise than I had expected.

This is where going with a professional really saved me.

stickerdot logoStickerdot.co.nz is a New Zealand sticker printing company based in Auckland.

They have a very professional and fast service, and their process is super reasonable. I literally received my stickers just a few days after I ordered them.

I decided on a very generic approach to my design, so I got them to create a sticker for my business just using my logo, which meant I could use it on anything I wanted to. I like the versatility as my finger is many pies these days, and my logo covers them all. So I didn’t want to make it just one option, which works well for me.

packaging for Collette Fergus 

I use my stickers for finishing floral bouquets, as well as for swing tags on the backs of my paintings and to seal envelopes and gift packages. I don't think I'll ever run out of ideas for what I could use them on; it's unlimited.

As you will see on the stickerdot website, they are used for all sorts of purposes. Branding is vital for a quality finish and getting your name out there. Keeping things consistent with your brand by doing something like this helps tie everything together.

The best thing about Stickerdot is the variety of choices they have; you can get vinyl, paper, metallic, different shapes, colours, and anything you want in a sticker. Check them out here www.stickerdot.co.nz or click on the image below

Variety of stickers from stickerdot company

They also produce some pretty amazing business cards and again the prices are super reasonable. Check them out here, click on image to go to their site.

business card ad for stickerdot

So how does it translate to artists? 

It’s always a good idea to add the details of your artwork on the back of paintings, like the medium used, the date it was created and the dimensions. Having your address and contact details can be a good idea, too. It’s much easier peeling off a sticker to add to the backs of paintings when you’re in a hurry to ship them off than having to write it all out and find something that’s going to look professional or tidy.

back of Collettes artwork showing painting information

I use mine on the back of my art with a larger label

Having worked in galleries, I can tell you that many artists skip this vital step. The number of times we had to do a process of elimination to find out who a piece belonged to at showtime was more often than I care to remember. A sticker with spaces to handwrite the title, date and dimensions is an excellent way to get value for money, especially as most artwork will be a one-off piece. An artist's name and contact information on a sticker with set details makes things so much easier, especially when it comes to print runs.

 stickerdot stickers

Stickerdot was really easy to work with, they made sure I understood what I was ordering and we sorted the specifications easily. Give them a go, you won’t regret it.

When it comes to packaging artwork to send to galleries or buyers there is some information in this blog post that you might find helpful. 

Posted: Thursday 2 June 2022

Don't forget to take a look at more of New Zealand contemporary artist's work in Collette's Online Galleries