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Entering Art Competitions

Entering Art Competitions

Artists should make an effort to enter art competitions for several reasons. 

You have the exciting pressure of deadlines, the prestige of winning and the chance to get exposure for your work, but don't forget that you can also make sales too. These shows offer many opportunities for people who are there to buy artwork and to see what you can do, so make sure you don't miss out on these opportunities.

Additionally, it allows you to improve on your skills as you work on something that is specifically meant to be your most impressive work. 

Because what you're painting/photographing/sculpting etc is something that is from the heart and soul, it will be something special and that will be evident in the work you do.

 Dealing with Rejection

Don't you hate it when you get any form of rejection. It makes you feel miserable, right?

Rejection is more likely than acceptance into competitions, and it does not mean that your work is inferior. Consider it like winning the lottery. You know there are many tickets, and not every one of them is going to be a winner.

One artist I know chose to make a feature of the rejection letters and made an exhibition out of it. He turned a difficult and negative situation into something positive. How awesome is that?

Then there's Acceptance

Dealing with rejection isn't easy. Sometimes I've felt so disheartened that I wonder why I bother.

However, I've also had some acceptances and been a part of some wonderful exhibitions. In addition, I've won a few awards. And received one or two merit awards. Even better was being selected for one or two really well known competitions, so I am in no way complaining.

It is a commendable achievement to even be selected as a finalist. Without trying, you will never know. The experience can bring you great joy and pride, and it helps immensely with your portfolio and bio if you can include awards.

For one reason or another, I don't often enter these awards and shows anymore, despite recommending others to do so. Having some spare time this week, along with the desire to paint, has given me a lot of motivation to get started on some brand-new projects.

This might be the sun shining or it could be the fact I have recently come out of a really dark place and feel the load has lightened. I can concentrate on some new energy and some fresh artwork. It will be wonderful if I get accepted into some more award shows, even better if I get an award or two. However, for now I’m just happy to be creating some bold, original works and having some goals to work towards!

There are many shows and competitions on around New Zealand. So why limit it to entering just our ones? Internationally there are thousands more to be entered. I’m encouraging you too to submit some work and see what happens! What do you have to lose?

This one looks fascinating The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 

For more information about how you can enter competitions in New Zealand, please see my blog post, New Zealand Art Competitions by clicking on the link below



Posted: Friday 10 September 2010


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