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From Brush to Blog: Unraveling the Secrets of Artist Musings

From Brush to Blog: Unraveling the Secrets of Artist Musings

I may not be an expert on weblogs, but as someone who runs a blog, I've picked up quite a bit along the way.

Blogging has become a vital part of my journey to hone my writing skills, which I now do for my 'real' job. I also aspire to write a book one day and have already put parts of it together. Maintaining a blog has been instrumental in my daily writing practice.

While I've managed to stay consistent for the first four months of my committed year-long journey, I fell behind by ten days, then a month, and catching up took a lot of work. Amidst my lamentations about this predicament, I've encountered a common question: 

What Exactly is a Blog?

For those who may not be familiar, let me explain.

A blog, short for "web-log," is essentially an online diary, typically maintained by an individual (or team) who regularly posts entries. These entries can include descriptions of events, reflections on life, or other content like graphics and videos that might interest readers. Entries are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, like flipping through the pages of a handwritten diary backwards.

Blogs often serve as platforms for commentary or news on specific subjects. Some are more personal, resembling online diaries that cover everything from mundane daily life to juicy celebrity gossip. A typical blog combines text with images and frequently includes links to other blogs, web pages, and related media. Interactivity is a crucial feature, with readers leaving comments, although this also attracts spammers, necessitating robust anti-spam measures.

Blogging made its debut in 1997 and has since exploded in popularity. It had a slow start but gained momentum in 1999 and the following years, particularly with the advent of hosted blog tools like blogger.com, LiveJournal, Open Diary and many more.

Types of Blogs

There is a wide variety of blogs, differing in content, style, and purpose. Here are some common types:

  1. Personal Blogs: These are the most prevalent type of ongoing diaries or commentaries by individuals. Personal blogs often evolve into platforms for self-reflection or artistic expression, with some gaining substantial followings.
  2. Corporate and Organisational Blogs: Used for business purposes, these blogs can enhance internal communication and corporate culture. Externally, they serve marketing, branding, or public relations goals.
  3. Niche Blogs: These focus on specific subjects, such as art, politics, travel, projects, education, or dreams. Art blogs, where artists showcase their work, and music blogs, where musicians share their music and gig updates, are typical examples.

Can you Make Money?

So, how do bloggers make money? One avenue is through advertising. Many blogs feature advertisements that generate income when they align with their content and attract a substantial audience. Video blogs, or vlogs, have gained popularity on platforms like YouTube. Successful vloggers can earn money through advertising deals based on the number of views their videos receive. While some ads can be irritating, they can also provide valuable information and insights.

However, it's essential to be cautious in the world of online fame. Achieving notoriety online doesn't guarantee long-term success, and letting it go to your head is easy.

But blogging comes with its share of pitfalls. Bloggers can find themselves in legal hot water, facing issues of defamation or liability. There are many rules and regulations around what you can share now, so make sure you know what they are.

 What you say online is visible to a vast international audience, and once published, it's challenging to retract. Carefully consider your claims and provide robust evidence, especially when discussing potentially harmful information about individuals or brands. Negative personal experiences are best kept private to avoid potential repercussions.

How to Create an Engaging Blog Post

Choose Your Blog-Worthy Topic

    • Start by picking a topic that speaks to your readers and aligns with your blog's theme. Think about what captivates your audience and what gets your own creative juices flowing.

Dive into Research

    • Before your fingers hit the keyboard, dive into research mode. Gather credible information, facts, and insights to give your blog post authority and depth. Rely on trustworthy sources and give credit where it's due.

Craft a Magnetic Title

    • Your blog post's title should be like a beckoning finger, enticing readers and giving them a sneak peek of what's inside. Make it concise, clear, and utterly irresistible.

Outline Your Thoughts

    • Create a roadmap for your content. Organise your ideas into sections or headings, making it easy for readers to navigate your masterpiece.

Weave the Narrative

    • Start with a captivating introduction that pulls readers in and sets the stage. Maintain a conversational tone that makes your content both relatable and delightful.
    • Break down hefty paragraphs into bite-sized chunks. Sprinkle in bullet points, numbered lists, and subheadings for that extra readability factor.
    • Back your arguments with evidence, real-life examples, and your personal experiences. Keep it concise and steer clear of unnecessary jargon.

Visual Appeal

    • Spice up your blog post with relevant images, infographics, or videos. Visual elements not only make your content more appealing but also aid in conveying complex ideas.

Ace the SEO Game

    • Give your blog post a fighting chance in the search engine arena. Incorporate carefully researched keywords naturally and avoid overstuffing.
    • Craft a meta description as a sneak peek of your blog post and lure readers from the search engine results.

Links That Matter

    • Sprinkle in internal links to other relevant posts within your blog (internal links) and weave in references to credible external sources (external links). It adds depth to your content and boosts your SEO cred.

Edit and Proofread Like a Pro

    • Put on your editor's hat and give your blog post a meticulous review for typos, grammar slip-ups, and punctuation faux pas. Tools and peer reviews can be lifesavers in this department.

A Stellar Conclusion

    • Sum up your key takeaways and deliver a clear parting message. Foster engagement by posing questions or encouraging comments.

Unleash Your Blog Post

    • Share your creation across your social media realms, in your email newsletters, and within relevant online communities. Spread the love and let your audience know about your latest literary gem.

Connect with Your Readers

    • Embrace reader comments and build a community around your blog. Engage with your audience, as it cultivates loyalty and encourages repeat visits.

Track Your Triumph

    • Keep tabs on your blog post's performance using analytics tools. Monitor metrics such as page views, engagement, and conversion rates to grasp what resonates with your readers.

Remember, blogging is an art in itself, and practice makes perfect. You'll cultivate a devoted following for your blog by consistently delivering the best content that enriches your readers' lives.

To Sum it all Up 

Blogging remains a dynamic and ever-evolving platform, offering a vibrant self-expression and meaningful communication space. Whether your aim is to share your thoughts, bolster your brand, chronicle your life's journey, or master the art of crafting captivating blog posts, the world of blogging provides an invaluable avenue to connect with a global audience.

However, it's vital to recognise that the blogging landscape is multifaceted. As you navigate this digital realm, your content's responsible and ethical handling is paramount. Be aware of potential legal considerations, such as defamation or liability, to ensure a positive online presence.

Moreover, our exploration of how to craft engaging blog posts underscores the significance of honing your writing skills. By consistently delivering quality content, you foster a deeper connection with your readers and establish yourself as an authoritative voice within your chosen niche.

So, whether you're embarking on your blogging journey or looking to refine your craft, remember that responsible conduct and the ability to craft engaging posts are essential to successful and impactful blogging. As you delve further into this dynamic digital realm, may your blogging experiences be enriching and fulfilling. Happy blogging!

Also check out this article by Tom Mulraney on Linkedin.com about instafame

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Posted: Monday 10 May 2010


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